We've arrived :)

Jonathan (aka Mojo) did the first post from the Detroit airport. We are now in Newburgh, NY @ the Ramada Inn. Unfortunately, the wireless internet is down here so I'm updating quickly from my phone. We arrived safely, but tired. The boys swam & we're getting ready for an early bedtime as we tour the Watchtower Farm & Printery tomorrow morning in Wallkill, NY. We'll talk to you tomorrow!
~ Lynetta, Shawn, Noah, Jonathan & James


Anonymous said…
glad u r there! now hold on to my boys and enjoy your tours. i love you.
Anonymous said…
Hi guys!

I am soo happy you guys are taking this trip and isn't the Detroit airport kinda neat . . . the water look on the wall as you're running to your flight? The grandkids thought it was so cool. And on our way back we had a two-hr layover and they played in that little play area in Detroit . . . neat airport. I love that we can follow your trip and I love your mom's comment! haha that's a gramma for ya! haha Well I got the "Deputy In Charge" for the northern district and I hired someone within 15 min. of my promotion. I am going to try and take off every other Monday to put a good day of service in after my other employee comes back on the 7th. We'll be watching your journey and I know we loved the farms especially the big painting in the Dining area! Love Joe and Joann
Anonymous said…
ok. this aint Email we all see this.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you guys made it!! I'm anxiously awaiting daily updates.Have a great time everybody!! Love yuz

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