The finished product!

Over on Dropshots I just put up a few pictures of the interior of the almost completed Kingdom Hall. We are waiting for our new chairs to arrive, but other than that and a second layer of blacktop on the parking lot everything is pretty well finished.

It's been a busy August/September with the convention, hall building, trip to Virginia Beach (I WALKED the 1/2 marathon in 96% humidity & 75-80 degrees in 3 hrs 21 min.), and I was back to work this week after not working for the summer. Ok, I worked all summer but not at things you get paid for!

Anyhow, the new job at UWS is going well and I enjoy my client very much. James, Jonathan and Noah have started their 2nd year of the Wisconsin Virtual Academy (an online virtual charter school). They've really jumped into school with enthusiasm this year which is nice to see.

Time for me to get off this computer and into the kitchen to start some supper.

Take care!



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